In the summer season, the basement can provide that much-needed respite from the heat outside. But before inviting a group of friends around for a social gathering in a basement area, it’s imperative that the basement environment looks its peak best. Therefore, many Oakville homeowners are now working with house painters to enhance their basements and ensure an ideal area for social gatherings. In this blog, we’ll outline two important considerations for basement painting projects:
1) Camouflage of Basement Features
With the basement most often used as the home’s storage area for power supplies such as heating units, fuse boxes and air venting systems, homeowners might want to consider working with their house painters to select tones that will camouflage these areas. Oftentimes neutral, light colours can offset the metallic grey colour of vents. Experienced Oakville house painters will have the understanding to help their clients respond to this challenge. They should be able to provide several unique paint colour options that ensure a seamless finish to any basement painting project.
2) Choosing Optimal Painting Materials
The home painters chosen for the basement remodeling project must be able to offer precise materials for the specific requirements. For example, many basements have concrete flooring. And in order to capitalize on the inherent structural advantages the concrete flooring provides over wood or other products, painters must select epoxy painting products. Epoxy material will offer greater scuff resistance in the basement setting, and will adhere quickly and seamlessly to the concrete for a neater looking finish to the paintwork.
Successful basement renovations require specific tools that only professional house painters can offer. But by harnessing colours that camouflage home appliances and using epoxy-based paints, homeowners can achieve a great appeal to their basement environment for social gatherings well into the future.