Frequently Asked Questions About Kitchen Cabinet Painting

It’s a 5-10 Business Day Turnaround Time based on project size from start to finish. The onsite portion is on average a 2 day Project. And Installation is a 1/2 day project on final day.
Absolutely, our Lacquer is Low VOC
We have a business account on Richelieu.com for our clients to choose new hardware at a fraction of the price at the big box store. They also have a MUCH larger selection to choose from to ensure it’s hardware you love.
Absolutely, we are proud to offer this service to our clients to ensure we choose a perfect colour
Definitely, we can Fill And Drill new holes for you to accommodate your new beautiful hardware
Absolutely, our work space will be 100% Masked off for the home protection and spread of spray dust particles
Definitely, it’s very common for our clients to choose 2 colours. For example, clients enjoy having 1 cokour for their surround cabinets and another colour for their island. Or 1 colours on the upper cabinets and 1 cokour for their lower cabinets
Absolutely, our team will remove the Thermofoil layer and then continue on with our standard painting procedure.
We apply 2-3 Coatings of Lacquer for Full Long Lasting Protection!
We are proud to offer a 5yr warranty!

Frequently Asked Questions About Painting Services

Before hiring residential or commercial painters use these frequently asked painting services questions for making sure that you will hire a professional painter.

We absolutely do. We will require the dimensions of the area, project details and Colour selection and a few pictures of the area to issue an accurate proposal.

A small bedroom will take a few hours from the time of arrival to clean up upon completion.

We have a professional designer on our staff to help you with the Colour Design Process Free of Charge.

Absolutely. We will have a manager set up an on site meeting with you to create an action plan to complete your home ASAP so you can enjoy your new space.
Estimates are sent by email within 24hrs of the Onsite meeting.
We sure can, our staff will just have a list of questions for you to accurately provide you with a proposal.

It will depend on the waiting list, we serve on a first come first serve basis. The sooner we are provided with the recommended deposit, the sooner we can start the transformation process of your home.

There are many factors in that question, depending if we are only painting walls, size of home, prep required, colour selections, etc. But if only walls are selected, you will be looking at 2-3 day turnaround time on average.
We sure do, we professionally remove wallpaper on a hourly set price. And have professional wallpaper installers on our staff standing by and ready to work for you.

We are a full service Interior, Residential, Commercial and Industrial Paint Service Company.

You are more than welcome to repair your own walls but it is recommended to leave it for the professionals to ensure a beautiful finish upon completion.
We will require the home to be ready for painting before the crew arrives at your home. This will include all furniture to be centered into the middle of the rooms, all pictures and personal belongings to be removed into a safe area not being painted.

We absolutely do, our Managers will have a tablet for you to look over while the Manager is on site providing you with the quotation.

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